Sunday, August 31, 2008

No A/C!

We had been without A/C for almost month. The actual outside unit died and the A/C company we use was trying to find a used one for us. It would make it less expensive this way. It finally got here this week. We enjoyed two days with cold air. Guess what? It stopped working. Now we are without A/C again. Luckily we have several fans and it rained a couple of days to cool us off. But yesterday was a killer and I had the hardest time staying a sleep. I don't know how we lived in P.R. without it. I guess we are spoiled. But we will get used to it again.


Jordan Mathews said...

Oh my squash, that must have been so hard, we had to go like that a few times but never for a whole month.

Melody said...

Not nice, not at all!

Gail said...

I feel your pain!

Laurie D. said...

Hey Frances. I found your blog through the Rotz's. I don't know how you're surviving without A/C. We spent a day without it last week and thought we would die. I hope you get it working soon.