Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I am grateful for:

A few things in random order:
*Having a healthy body that ables me to serve.
*My husband's beautiful smile. It just makes me melt.
*Great YW leaders and their love for our daughters.
*Two beautiful and healthy daughters who remind me everyday of how much Heavenly Father loves me.
*My family.
*Great women in our ward who make me happy everytime I am sorrounded by them.
*Friends who inspire me to be my very best.
*A Christ-centered home.
*Missionaries. What can I say. They are my fave.
*A new day, a new start.


Melody said...

That was a really sweet post.

Are you always so right on point and focused? If so, I need some tips!

Stephanie said...

I love your posts! You are so wonderful!